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Activities - social work

Activities - social work


AMECC - LOVE AND Mechanics

Who said arid mechanics!

I am here to create poetry for life.

At the beginning of the work of selecting embryos.

Go on face to find some pretty people.

What? must follow the correct procedure.

Blue eyes, white skin, pretty mouth smile.

Choose stars and people.

The hardness test is done.

Prepare for attack.

Make a plan to complete the process.

Because it's all pretty girls.

The lover is not very arrogant.

Gentle , love pampering.

Delicious words, sweet words must captivate.

Hungry stomach invites her to eat sticky rice.

Occasionally invite a meal of chicken in Bac Giang hill.

Clothes choose luxury shops.

Luxury phone for her iphone

No, she sings loudly.

Especially the meeting, carrying the guitar to the shift.

Done and rent a house.

Looks like a mansion, says it's yours!

If she likes, don't paint.

Let her use it first, I have to use it later.

She told me to remember it for a long time

Just do that, I don't love it.

When will she see her mother?

Coax delicious, coax to bring home to play.

Through speakers parents a couple of words.

After that stage, we don't have to worry.

Six degrees of freedom.

We use clamps to fasten it.

Relatives call, I wish

Make hundreds of trays to earn red envelopes.

After getting married, sit down and count the envelopes

A talented husband and a good wife are matched!

Who said mechanics are barren? Read this poem and you will see that the mechanics are also extremely romantic. In flirting with a girl the process is the same as a job.

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