The time goes the end of year, echo of old year which is going soon as well as the joyful feeling to welcome a new year make all without exception so excited that nothing can describe. Together share and review everything done of this year, we have spent both challenges and difficulties for achievements. One new year, one new spring is coming soon. I walk around of site and factory due to be seen with my eyes and talked to Lisemco 2 workers who have been still engrossed in their productive task. Activities of year-end work are carried out more promptly by human, machines, and equipments. At the deciding moment, all Lisemco 2 workers are trying their best to complete their work before year-end summation and consolidate company trade name. Lisemco2, we understand that achievements we owned and are continuing to get is one way of 5 operating years and next years. We are proud of our company history and hope the future. These year-end days, besides mentioning the difficulties and achievements, we are going to make the production plans and targets for more success of next working year. And now, old year 2013 goes and new year 2014 comes, our plans are ready to get into operation. On occasion of new year, we would like to express the thankfulness to Lisemco 2 worker and wish everybody the most happiness, achievement, success. Hai Phong, on 26 Dec 2013 By: Huyen Trang |
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