ẢNh đại diện


The signing ceremony of “Sarawak Methanol Module Complex Processing and Manufacturing Contract” was a great success – Amecc reached out strongly with big projects.

Attending at the Contract Signing Ceremony include:

  • Mr. Nguyen Van Nghia, Chairman of BOD of AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company.
  • Mr. Nguyen Van Tho, CEO of AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company.
  • Together with the Board of Directors, Heads of Departments/ Board, Directors of factories, branches, and representatives of member companies of AMECC Group.

(Mr.Nguyen Van Nghia - Chairman of the Board of Directors of AMECC and Mr.Nguyen Van Tho - General Director of AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company)

Combination manufacturing the Sarawak Methanol Module is one of AMECC's strengths. Through the Long Son Refinery and Petrochemical Complex project, Samsung Engineering highly appreciates AMECC's strength in processing and combination manufacturing Module. Therefore, following the success of the Long Son Refinery and Petrochemical Complex project, Samsung Engineering signed a contract to combination manufacturing the Sarawak Methanol Module with AMECC.

Last module of Long Son Refinery and Petrochemical Project

The Sarawak Chemical Plant Project, Malaysia was built with a capacity of 5000 tons of chemical products/day in the coastal city of Sarawak Malaysia, expected be into operation in 2023.

(Sarawak Chemical Plant, Malaysia is expected to bring great economic potential)

        As can be seen, in the future Amecc has been and increasingly reached out not only in Vietnam, Myanmar but also in other countries in the region in terms of mechanical engineering. Professional, fast and highly specialized projects will help Amecc to further assert itself in the international arena in this field.

(Sarawak project office in Nam Dinh Vu)


Author:  Team IT/PR


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