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Activities - social work

Activities - social work


An employee’s success depends not only on their professionalism and diligence but also on their personal relationships and communication skills.

In daily life, especially in the office place’s relationships, communication failure causes disagreements or misunderstandings between the communicators.

According to evaluate results, communication breakdowns are often not because of cultural differences or language differences. Many people still have trouble in communicating with their bosses or servants, even though they speak the same language and have the same culture. However, we can still communicate well if we listen to and understand each other.

Here are some tips to improve your communication skills:


Pay attention to the “content of communication,” not the “speaker”

Sometimes, we are often affected by prejudices about a person before we understand the content of the information that person transfers. If you have prejudiced against a colleague, you often ignore the information they share. Besides our particular likes and dislikes, we also judge our interlocutors by their gestures, posture, attitudes, and even appearance when they say. Because these factors can affect whether you get their information, you need to remind yourself that “it is important what they say, not who they are”!


“Why” than just “what”?

Once you find out the content of the information, you need to think and find out why they talk about it with you. For example, your boss announced that since the beginning of this year, the company applies morning working time from 8 am to 9 am and no later than 9 am. If you only focus on content of the information, you may feel uncomfortable. But if you ask yourself “why” you will get more and see the benefits of this regulation. Such working hours will help you be more flexible about managing time and think about it. If you get stuck in traffic, you will also avoid being late for work.


 Listen and then just judge

We all know we should undertake to understand the speaker’s point of view before judging theirs. You can wait until the end of the conversation to check out if you don’t need to make an immediate decision. Is not quick to judge, determine or make conclusions when we are not sure about what we have heard.


It doesn’t have to be a face-to-face conversation, it’s okay to write

It's troublesome to communicate with people who are sensitive or who have difficulty listening from start to finish. Therefore, write or leave a message to them before you want to address it. In addition, people who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally can also use this method to transfer more effectively.


 Information is simple and easy-to-understand

You should use simple expressions; Use words that are simple to find out, simple and truthful, so that listeners can easily grasp the information content. Strange, specialized words or polite speech only increase the distance between you and the interlocutor and make it difficult to reach effective communication.


Get feedback

The delivery of information content is only the first step in the communication process. Both the speaker and the listener need to develop the other to react. Feedback helps you to know if the interlocutor really understands what is being discussed, understands correctly or not. From there, you will confirm the information that has not been properly understood, avoiding the wrong implementation or confusion.


Build trust and reciprocal respect

Anyone, if they communicate with a spirit of trust and mutual respect, clearly see that the effectiveness of communication will be better. With trust and respect, you get through more openly and frankly. As a result, the conversation between you and your partner will be more interactive and, of course, more effective.


Level in communication


You should also pay attention to the element of rank and position of the communication object. Consultants advise that if you talk to your superiors, you should clarify the main points and ideas, exchange them accurately and pay attention to/listen to your superiors’ comments. If you are talking to your subordinates, always describe the issues in detail, and don’t forget to ask the servants what they think or how they respond to it.


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