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The celebration of the 15th anniversary of the founding day of AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company

On February 4th, 2023, AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company held a solemn ceremony to celebrate its 15th anniversary since its establishment. The program marked a significant milestone in the remarkable development of the company, as well as an occasion for the company to express its gratitude and reward individuals who have been dedicated and contributed to its growth over the past years.

Throughout its 15-year journey of formation and development, AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company has faced challenges and difficulties. However, the company has witnessed significant transformation and achieved remarkable accomplishments. AMECC has expanded its presence globally and become one of the leading companies in mechanical manufacturing in Vietnam.

The event was attended by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoi - the founder of AMECC Charity Fund and also the mother of the company's CEO

During the solemn moments of the ceremony, the entire hall, including the leadership board, directors of departments, and representatives of staff and employees, together looked back on the development and achievements that have been made throughout the years.

The entire hall looked back together on the 15-year journey of AMECC's development

AMECC has gone through a journey with ups and downs, full of emotions, and faced countless difficulties, sometimes seemed impossible to overcome. In the early days of operation, the company had only a few staff and employees, but as of now, the number of personnel has reached nearly 1000. To achieve this remarkable growth, it is all thanks to the effort and dedication of the company's leadership.

On behalf of the leadership board, Mr. Nguyen Van Tho - CEO of AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company gave a speech to mark the 15th anniversary of the company's establishment and growth.

CEO Nguyen Van Tho gave a speech at the ceremony

The CEO expressed gratitude to all employees, valued customers, and partners both domestic and international for their companionship, cooperation, and sharing with the company during its journey. He also expressed confidence in the current unity, cohesion, and capability of AMECC, stating that the company will continue to strengthen its position in the industry and achieve even greater achievements.

On this significant occasion marking the change and growth of AMECC, the 15-year milestone has been achieved thanks to the unity and dedication of all employees. At this momentous ceremony, the company has honored and awarded individuals who have been dedicated and contributed to the company's development over time.

13 gifts for 13 employees who have worked for more than 14 years and 118 gifts for employees who have worked for more than 10 years. These gifts not only have material value but also carry a huge spiritual value that expresses the company's gratitude to those employees who have dedicated more than 10 years of their youth to the development of AMECC. Moreover, these gifts also convey the company's trust in the bond between employees and their commitment to accompany AMECC in its further growth in the future.

Những CBCNV đã dành gần 15 năm tuổi xuân cống hiến cho sự phát triển của AMECC…

...and the employees who have worked for over 10 years at the company

In response to the company's gratitude gift, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, the team leader of the beam team and one of the employees with more than 10 years of seniority, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the employees to AMECC not only for this gift, but also for the excellent values that AMECC has brought. Despite many difficulties and challenges, the company and the team of employees have worked together with the spirit of sharing, understanding, and supporting each other to build a strong collective.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, the leader of the steel team, shared his feelings about the more than 10 years he has been with AMECC

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere of this special anniversary, the company's employees showcased their musical talents through impressive performances. After a meticulous preparation period, the solo and especially the group performances brought a highly impressive show to the entire audience in the hall.

The song "Ben cang que huong toi" was beautifully performed by AMECC choir

The 15th anniversary celebration of AMECC Company was a great success and left a profound impression on the company's employees. The achievements of the past, the current successes of AMEC, and the determination to strive for a better future have all been accomplished through the collective efforts and determination of the AMECC team. To conclude the ceremony, the leaders jointly cut the cake and raised their glasses with the entire audience to mark this historic milestone.

Fifteen Springs have passed in the sky of Amecc, and the entire leadership and staff are filled with enthusiasm for a new year full of new successes. We don't want to only reminisce about the fifteen Springs that have passed, but we want to welcome many more Springs in the years to come. We are grateful for all the wonderful values that AMECC has brought, and we thank ourselves for continuously making efforts in the years we've been with AMECC, going through the fifteen Springs together. Let's hold hands tightly and walk with AMECC on the journey to build a strong economic foundation and contribute more to the overall development of society. Because we are AMECC - together build tomorrow.

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